Meetings of scientific groups on crime detection and investigation issues

On the 23th of April and the 8th of May of 2020 the serial meetings of scientific groups of crime detection and investigation issues, adjacent to the Chairs of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Intelligence Activity and Criminalistics of Academy of Educational Complex of Police of RA were held through the Application «Zoom».
The first meeting was carried out by Senior lecturer of Criminal procedure, police captain A. Ghazaryan. Learners of Law faculty of paid basis education of the third year S. Hakobyan and A. Ayvazyan presented their reports on «Main issues of investigation in Criminal procedure of RA».
The second one was conducted by the Head of Chair of Criminal procedure, police lieutenant colonel A. Hovhannisyan. The learner of Law faculty of free based education of the third year Lilia Hovakimyan introduced scientific report on «Prosecutor’s control and departmental supervision toward criminal intelligence activity».
Members of the scientific groups and learners of paid basis education participated in the meetings. At the end of the reports the learners gave questions to the speakers and got exhausted answers.