Symbol of the Day

On the 12ve of June, students took the oath ceremony at the Educational Complex of MIA of RA to be appointed to the positions of the Police Patrol Service of MIA of RA.
The ceremony was attended by the leadership staff of the Educational complex, managed by the Head of the Educational complex, police colonel Manuk Muradyan, as well as the Head of the patrol service, police colonel Artur Khudinyan.
Welcoming the students, the Head of the Educational Complex emphasized the importance of the oath ceremony.
- Today, more than ever, a citizen demands that the policeman standing in front of him must be professional and conscientious, provide an effective police service, which can be fully achieved with educated and trained police officers. The mission of observing the constitutional order will always accompany you during the service, - said the head of the Educational Complex, congratulating the cadets of the patrol service and wishing them peaceful service.
The oath ceremony ended with the performance of national anthem of RA.