
The third session of the scientific council

The third session of the scientific council

     On the 25th of March there was held the third session of scientific council of the Educational Complex of Police of RA. As a result of discussion, the scientific council decided to approve the report concerning to mentioning about shortcomings, which is implemented by responsible subdivisions of the Educational Complex during the second half of 2021.

There were made amendments in the form of monitoring and review of education projects, where the 4th point is on “Ongoing monitoring of education projects with intervals of 2 years, and periodic review of curricula with five years of intervals” were amended with the formulation “due to the level of education projects”. The purpose of this amendment was to differentiate the monitoring dates of curricula, to review shorter curricula frequently, and to review the longer one after the end of the program.

There was an amendment in the 11th point of the order, according to which the committee staff members were clarified.

Council’s meeting was held after the end of the scientific council.