
Training Course for water unit of the patrol service

Training Course for water unit of the patrol service

On the 2nd of October, a two-month training course for officers to be appointed to a position at the water service unit of the Patrol Service of Police of MIA of RA, kicked off at the Training Center of the Educational Complex of MIA of RA, attended by 49 officers from different patrol service groups.

The training course includes land-based and water-based training. Land-based training will take place in the Educational Complex, at the shooting range of the tactical training police department, and in the Sport and fitness center “Olimpavan", as well as water-based training will take place in Lake Sevan.

The educational process involves specialists from the Educational Complex, the Ministry of Defense, various police departments, and the partner organization ICITAP.

The training course will last up to the 1st of December.